Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today, Braden went to his 1st college classes. I couldn't wait to hear what he thought. He said he liked them all, but thinks his Honors Old Testament class is going to be very hard. Hmmm...guess Sunday School might have paid off about now! Oops! He is having lots of fun, and even managed to go to bed before midnight, without his mom telling him to do so! He says that he's eating, though it was pizza 4 days in a row! Good thing he plans to play lots of Ultimate Frisbee! I miss him bunches! I am so proud of him. He's such an incredible young man, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him.

Love you beeper!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Bren!

Bren celebrated her 10th birthday yesterday! We've spent the last week saying her new favorite phrase "Holy Schmidgitz! Double Digits!" She invited lots of friends from school over for a cookout in the backyard. Darryl worked very hard to get the stone floor on the patio so we could get the furniture and fire pit out there for the party. It looks great! The kids spent time feeding the 5 enormous catfish who've decided to visit us every evening now. Between the ducks and the catfish, my bread bill is skyrocketing! We grilled hot dogs, and served a double decker cookie cake which seemed to be a big hit. The kids played some yard games, and then had a 3.5 minute water balloon fight! Thanks to Tori and Blake who spent hours filling the water balloons! Darryl made a fire in the pit and the kids roasted marshmallows before it was time to go home. Bren said it was great...and that's really all that matters, right? Before she left for day camp at church, she opened her present from us...Josephina! She was thrilled. I can't believe my baby girl is 10!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pray Today!

Today, my Grandma Billie is having surgery. Eight years ago, she successfully battled ovarian cancer. The battle was horrible, but she is an unbelievable warrior, and she is ready to fight again. We visited her in Tulsa on Wednesday. She is in good spirits. Thank goodness, she has a God who she knows loves her and will be with her every step of the way. If you happen to read this, please join me in praying for my grandma today.


Great Time, Great Friends, Great Memories!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cedar Point!!!

A friend told me years ago about a great amusement park near their home. We'd never heard of Cedar Point, and quite honestly, no one we told about our vacation plans to Ohio had ever heard of it either. What began as just a stop along the way to "our real vacation", a Cleveland Indians game, Cedar Point quickly took top billing on places the Patersons love to visit in Ohio! We've visited twice as a family, in 2001 and 2002. Cedar Point isn't a place we compare to Disney, it's definitely in a different class. Cedar Point is an "amusement park", built around 17 roller coasters!! This morning, very early, Darryl and Braden took off for Sandusky...and Blake, Bren and I are home. Bummer!! BigTime! I am happy that Bren was so excited to be chosen to participate in the school talent show, that we decided only Daddy and Braden would go on the "Senior Trip", but boy, I wish we were going too. And, I HATE ROLLER COASTERS!! They'd better take lots of pictures or this is going to be one sad mom!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations, Braden!

I couldn't be more proud of you, Braden!

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let the Graduation Festivities Begin!

Today is our 1st official school related Graduation Activity. Well, I guess the Awards/Scholarships thing last week might really have been, but there was no "Pomp" or "Circumstance" lol, so no real need for tissues! But today is an actual cap and gown day! I'm awake this morning with a tummy ache, which better go away really quickly, because we've got a full day planned. It's prep day at Debbie's for the Teacher's Luncheon which is tomorrow. So, I've got my "assigned items" on the island, ready to go. Blake has ortho which means I need to drive to Siloam to grab him and run him back to school asap. Then, the assembly at school starts at 11 a.m. with a picnic to follow. My parents are driving up this afternoon in order to be here for Blake's band concert this evening. They're bringing Matt and Miah, my nephews, and today is Miah's birthday! Busy BIG day!

I am so proud of Braden. We have truly been blessed with a great kid with a BIG heart for God! I love that he has chosen JBU, and I love that it's close by, but I'd really still take that little boy making messes and asking me to make puzzles with him!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Braden's 1st Day out of high school!

This morning, I woke like usual and went downstairs to make school lunches for the kids, and for the first time, I only made 2, instead of 3. Wow!

I made Braden and Blake haircut appointments, so I pulled Blake out of school and we went to Fayetteville. He talked me into letting him stay home the rest of the day. Call me crazy!! He's been practicing for drumline tryouts, so that's my excuse. And, he finally cut his hair!! That's huge reason for celebration! I need to post a picture.

Promised to bake cookies today, so I'd better get started! Bren will be home soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May...coming and going too quickly

I can't believe it is May 7th already! (Happy Birthday Lisa Evans Gaines!)

Yesterday, Bren and the entire 4th grade visited Prairie Grove Battle Field State Park. It was a fun day, made most eventful by the squirrel that decided to hop on the school bus. Thankfully, the children had just unloaded! Though still cloudy for most of the morning, the rain stayed away! Bren's Uggs were soaked from all the puddles, and her tiny toes were all raisiny when she finally got to take them off, but it was a good day.

I left the fieldtrip after lunch to rush home to get ready for the big Wedding Shower for Garland and Sarah, the 9th grade cell group leaders who are getting married next Friday. We had a house full! It was great fun and we were happy to host.

Today, Mr. Watts will serve the PTA officers lunch. What a great guy!
Senior Debate Dinner on Saturday night. See...May is going to fly!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's a Great Day!!!

Happy Earth Day! Happy 25th Anniversary Darryl!!

25 years ago today, we went on our very 1st date. It was Easter Sunday 25 years ago today, and we went to see a play at Victory Christian Center, "Toymaker and Son". My sister and his brother went too. What a great start to an absolutely incredible life!!

My friend is taking the day off and we're having lunch and pedicures! I can't wait! She's getting a massage too...I probably should have tried to book one also. But, I have 1000 things to do, so I'll try to catch up on some things at home and then enjoy the rest of today with her!

We are hoping to see the "Earth" movie, but I'm not sure we can squeeze it in tonight. I wonder how long it will play?

Need to get started addressing graduation announcements! Not sure I'm ready!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last day of Benchmark Testing! Yeah, Bren!

Bren will be so happy that today is the last day of Benchmark testing (for this year)! I've decided that little girls "feed off each other" when it comes to anxiety about "testing". That's certainly been different than with the boys. I don't really think they gave one minute of thought about those silly tests.

I think Abby is spending the night tonight, so that should be lots of fun! I'm going to surprise them with Reese's Peanut Butter Squares, the homemade kind! They both love them! Bren requested them recently, so she'll be extra happy when she gets home from school today!

It's Friday!!! Yippee!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Essential Oils

Beth came for a visit yesterday and shared her new love of essential oils with me. I had no knowledge of essential oils...except that little vase in the bathroom with the sticks in it. They are supposed to smell good, right? Aromatherapy?'s so much more than that! I'm excited to learn more about them.

Really, I'm just excited to have my friend back. We've missed so many years, but God always has a plan, and I think God will reward those years of being mommy's to our children and focusing on them, just as it should be, with years of loving friendship in the future. I love just sitting and listening to her talk.

Bren is going to Ella's "Swimming" birthday party after school today. Hmmm...I think it's 66 degrees outside right now. The Johnson's have heated their pool. Glad this mommy doesn't have to swim with her!!! She won't care though. She's got a brand new Limited too "Peace" swimsuit to wear...and of course, that's what's most important!!

Had a mammogram today. Everything should be fine. Didn't even have to have the ultrasound this time, so I'm expecting great results.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I love you!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Prom Night 2009

There are no words...senior prom 2009.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Last night, Bren had Lily over for a sleepover. They had a great time coloring Easter Eggs together. They watched the new American Girl movie "Chrissa Stands Tall", and went to sleep by 9 p.m.! I couldn't believe it! I'm sorry, Sherri, that Lily didn't call before bed...I never expected bedtime to come so early!

Braden had friends over too. He came in sometime after I was asleep and asked if a few boys could spend the night. I'm not sure how many boys are upstairs right now! Braden has great friends, so it's never a problem. (Blake has great friends too! We are blessed!)

Tonight is prom! We also have an Easter Egg Hunt on the street, so I'm sure I'll have some pictures later!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cookout Time!

Tonight, we are hosting a birthday cookout for Blakester and friends. It looks like it could rain any minute, but I'm trusting that it will hold off. Blake isn't sure how many friends are coming, but he invited 50, so needless to say, I'm hoping atleast some of the partying can be done outside!

Braden did get the award letter, and we have been so blessed. Between scholarships and loans, Braden should have no problem attending JBU in the fall. Now...where's my kleenex?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Letter in the mail...could it be??

We know that financial aid award letters were mailed out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Today, Braden has a letter from JBU. I'm dying to open it. I so wish it said "To the Parents of" on the front of it...but it doesn't. So, I will wait. I'm trusting in the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11 tells me that God knows the plans he has for each of us, and I know that God knows the plans he has for Braden. We truly believe that JBU is a part of those plans, and by believing that, we also believe that God will provide a way for Braden to attend there. So, I'm excited to see what the aid letter holds for us, and I know that no matter what it says, God is in control. I pray that we will continue to see God in every decision that Braden makes, and that we will continue to trust him no matter what!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh No!!! It's Blake's turn.

Blakester should NOT have "faked" his illness last week, just for a chance to stay home and hang out with Braden...or maybe this momma shouldn't have allowed him to stay home so easily. So this morning, Blake came in my bathroom as I was getting ready for school, and said "MOM - I am so sick, I coudn't sleep all night, my throat hurts, blah, blah, blah". I said, "If you're not running a fever, you're not staying home". Then, Blake did the "But Mom" thing, and I stood firmly. "No fever - you're going to school". Then, he ran quickly to my toilette and threw up. So, of course, I said, "Unless you throw up..." Poor guy, he's felt horrid all day long. Today was definitely a day when I am thankful for being a stay at home mom all these years. I did leave Blake to go to work...but I ran home to check on him, and he is almost 16. And I still felt guilty. I can't imagine the moms who have to leave little ones...Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me as a stay at home mom all these years!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not a great day at the office!

So...I got to come home early today. It was good, because I could check on Braden, who's still sick with the flu, and Blake, who stayed home...I think to keep Braden company, though this morning he said it was a sore throat and headache! Bren will be home in a few, so I'm going to go bake cookies...the thing she says she misses because I work most days right now.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Braden has the flu! I'm so sad for him. He feels horrible! The doctor said to expect it to hit all of us before it's out of our house!! NOOOOOOO! In the name of Jesus, I'm claiming health for the rest of us! I hope he's better soon. It doesn't matter if your baby is 18 days or 18 years's just not fun for a mommy to see her baby suffer! xoxo Beeper!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've not given up on blogging!

I've been working...every day, and I love it! Working with Alicia has been the "dream job of dream jobs", and I know sooner, rather than later, it's going to come to an end. I'm bummed. But, God always has a plan. I trust him with my life, and he knows what's in store for me, so I'm good with whatever comes my way. I'm thankful that I've had this time with Beesh, and those adorable Kindergartners though. What a blast!!

I can't believe it's the middle of February already. Seems like May is just flying this way...way too fast!!! Though Braden might disagree....when I was a senior, I'm sure it wasn't going fast enough for me either.

Blake's birthday is in a couple of weeks. I'd better get started on his birthday photo book!!

Til another day -

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ICE day!

The electricity has been on and off all day. Thankfully, as I type, it is on, and it's almost bedtime. We're losing trees...but we have a nice, safe, warm place to sleep tonight, so we are blessed.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Just the two of us!

The house is quiet. Darryl left on Wednesday for the Dallas Midwinter meeting. Tonight, Bren has gone to Kennedy's for a sleepover, and Blake left around 6:30 p.m. to head to New Life Ranch for Chill Out '09 for the weekend. So, it's me and Beeper. So, I told him he could pick any place to go out to eat. Kobe...his pick. He loves sushi! I jokingly told him, we could go anywhere but Olive Garden...have you seen the commercial where the parent's take their college daughter out for dinner? I might have been able to eat there...but not without tears!

We had a great dinner. I enjoyed our conversation. He's just an absolutely incredible kid! I'm so blessed and thankful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today was a great day! I was asked to be an aide for one student...the best part, he is in Alicia's class! So, I spent the whole day with her! And, the student had a great day too! They asked me to come back tomorrow and Friday. Actually, they asked me if I'd be interested in doing it full time. I had to say no. And it PAINS me to say no. What a perfect gig, working with my best friend, helping make her day easier...who could ask for anything more?! ( maybe a few thousand dollars more, but that's not why I said no!) I've been a stay at home mommy by choice for 18 years, and I'm just not about to give up this time, when Braden's down to his last 4 months of school. Can't do it! I'm looking forward to the debate weekends, awards assemblies and such that a working mom would find difficult. So, I said no, and I'm happy. I've always loved being a stay at home mom. I've been so blessed, and I've always know that. I've tried never to take for granted the opportunity that I've had. And as this senior year flies towards the end, I'm so so so so thankful! Grateful! Thankful that my husband has supported my being home. Thankful that my kids have always appreciated my being home. Thankful that we've always been able to afford groceries while I've been home!

But...I'm going back tomorrow and Friday. :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New President!

I've been glued to the television most of the day! I'm sure Mrs. Swalley appreciated that I tore myself away to complete my "Monday folder" job at school, but I ran back home in hopes of catching the beginning of the parade.

As I've watched, I've been overwhelmed with emotion. I didn't vote for President Obama, but as I said after the election, I know that God is still in control, so I am proud to welcome our new President to office. I am so blessed to live in America. What a day!

What brought tears to my eyes most was seeing all the sights in Washington, D.C. and how thankful I am that I've had the opportunity to walk those streets and see those incredible sights with my husband and children. This morning, as I watched Diane and Robin on GMA, I asked Bren if she knew in what building they were sitting...and she did! The Library of Congress! What great memories we have!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Disco Time!

The kids are out of school today. It's an "In-Service" day for teachers, so technically, they are not out for MLK Day. I feel bad for my teacher friends...they deserve a holiday too! The kids are all asleep, and I so wish I could sleep in too, but Darryl's alarm went off, and I just couldn't find sleep again. It's a busy day, so rather than "prattle" on the computer, I should be showering. But, I know it's very cold out, and I'm postponing going out until I really have to. Tonight is Braden's 18th Birthday Dyn-o-Mite Disco at Roller City! I've got to get atleast a 100 cans of coke (since he invited 203 people on Facebook!), and pick up the cookie cake and some plates. I guess I should also figure out what we're having for dinner, since the party doesn't start until 7:30 p.m...ugh, I'd better quit stalling and get ready!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Busy weekend...sort of

I already mentioned in a previous post that I was working last week. I worked Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Friday, when I got home from school (work), I realized that in a matter of minutes, 90 to be exact, my parents would be driving in from Kansas City to spend the weekend with us. So, I quickly pulled the house together, checked on the dinner I started in the crockpot that morning, and awaited their arrival. Always on time, they pulled in the drive at 5:15 p.m. They beat Darryl home, since he had a meeting in Tulsa. We watched a little tv and visited on Friday night. On Saturday, we all went to Olive Garden to celebrate Beeper's birthday with lunch. Mom and I spent the rest of the day (and night!) working on a scrapbook for my Grandma Billie. I've been working on this scrapbook for years, literally, so mom and I decided to finish it together. Darryl and dad spent the entire weekend playing xbox. They left early this morning, just as we headed out the door for church. Whirlwind weekend for sure!
A huge bright spot to my weekend occured when Debbie Luttrell dropped off a few groceries on the porch and some delicious dessert that was still warm from the oven that she made just for us. She knew I had been working for 3 days straight, and thought a nice warm dessert might be just what the Paterson family needed...boy, was she right! Thanks, Debbie! Love you!

So, tomorrow, my little baby boy will turn 18. Wow! Words can not express...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pizza Night!

I can't work full-time. Why? Because my family would disown me if we had pizza every night for dinner, and it seems it's the only thing I can come up with after working all day long. Sad isn't? Working moms everywhere are playing tiny little violins for me. I can hear them. As I left the school today, they asked me to sub again tomorrow. I asked which class, because honestly, I was ready to say no. But, it's Abby's class. They won't let me sub in my own daughter's class, so the absolute next best thing is in her best friend's class, so I said yes. So, I'm heading to to find a recipe that I can make after working tomorrow. I already said yes to Friday a couple of days ago, so I'd better figure out something for Friday while I'm there too. And mom and dad are coming on Friday my house may very well be declared a disaster area by then. Oh well!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sad day

Braden learned this morning that one of the teachers at his school died in a car accident on the way to school. The kids don't have school today, but the teachers returned from Christmas break today for an in-service. A young man with an 23 month old daughter and a baby on the way. It's just so horrible. He was a much loved biology teacher so tomorrow many students will return to his class with heavy hearts. I pray that God will reveal himself to those students, and that he will wrap his arms around that sweet little family.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sleepy Bren

Abby, Bren's best friend spent yesterday and last night with us, after we returned from her house for the sleepover. She's still here this afternoon, and she just came in to me and said "Miss Christy, I think Bren is asleep." I asked her where...and she proceeded to show me exactly the hall closet on the floor!! I snapped a picture for my Project 365, though the actual albums are sold out. I don't know what I'll do!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Sleepover with our best buddies!

Bren and I had a sleepover with Debbie and Abby last night. The rest of Debbie's family were out for the night, and we had already made plans for Bren to sleepover. But then Debbie got the brilliant idea for me to come join them! We had a blast! We spent most of the evening scrapbooking together. I worked on my Christmas card album. I've scrapped all the photo cards that we've received since 2003. It's so much fun to look back through the years and see how much everyone has changed. Kids just keep growing up, don't they? Debbie is the person who first showed me her album of Christmas cards, so I was pleased to be able to share mine with her. She brought her own Christmas cards out and began to work on her album too. I gave her a very hard time about not sending out cards herself though...she gave me the idea in the first place and her family is missing in my album since 2004! We took a break to grab some late dinner at Flying Burrito, and then went back to scrapping. Finally, somewhere after midnight, we settled onto their comfy couch to watch "Mamma Mia". I deemed it "appropriate enough", though I questioned my own judgement a couple of times during the movie. I think most of it went straight over the girls heads though I'm certain the day will come very soon when I have to explain how Sophie can think she has more than one father! Hopefully, I've still got some time to come up with the answer for that one. We finally turned out the lights and snuggled into our sleeping spots on her huge sectional sofa. The girls thought this was just the all sleeping on the couch together! We had enjoyed our time so much, we found it difficult to leave, but I finally came home in my p.j.s with the girls in tow a little after noon and found my boys ready for some lunch! Mom saves the day!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008, part 2

July brings fun times at the Paterson house! For the July 4th holiday, Mimi and Papa brought Matt and Miah up for a visit. We always have lots of fun when they are here. I love this picture of Matt "playing Guitar Hero" with Braden and Blake!
Matt stayed with us for a few days while Bren and Miah went to Kansas City with Mimi and Papa while Papa worked there. If only Burger King had made sure their Icee machine worked the whole time Matt was visiting, the entire week would have been a success!
Bren decided over a year ago that her next birthday party should be a "Camping" birthday. Her plan to take the motor home to Beaver Lake for a weekend camping trip with her friends was a great idea. The only glitch in the entire plan was that gas prices at the marina were almost $5 a boating was very expensive. The girls loved taking a boat ride up to War Eagle Cavern and panning for gemstones. They also loved tubing and kneeboarding! Though we probably could have gone back to Chicago to American Girl Place for the same cost as her camping party...great times and great memories were had by all!August brought the trip we had waited all year for....Disneyworld with Mimi and Papa. Mom and dad decided early in 2008 that they wanted to take all of us to Disney for their 40th anniversary. Of course, I was thrilled to spend the next 8 months planning every detail of the trip. Since I've blogged about it already...I'll just say it was the best!!
The 1st day of school 2008. Braden's senior year! Blake starts 9th grade, and Bren begins the 4th grade in Mrs. Swalley's class. What great looking kids, right? Blake ran cross country for Central again this year, and improved his 1st race time by 5 minutes over last year on the same course! He continued to improve all season, and again, was awarded the Most Improved runner. Way to go Blakester!!
Homecoming dance 2008 with Lindsey. You both look incredible!
My 40th birthday surprise party! Thanks Darryl! Thank you wonderful friends!
Halloween 2008
And then Thanksgiving and Christmas and we're done with 2008! We enjoyed ringing in the new year with the Green and Wiegel families last night. I woke up this morning with a house full of boys who celebrated the new year until somewhere around 5 a.m. here at our house. (And we were still able to sleep! What great boys you are!)
Happy 2009!