Thursday, April 16, 2009

Essential Oils

Beth came for a visit yesterday and shared her new love of essential oils with me. I had no knowledge of essential oils...except that little vase in the bathroom with the sticks in it. They are supposed to smell good, right? Aromatherapy?'s so much more than that! I'm excited to learn more about them.

Really, I'm just excited to have my friend back. We've missed so many years, but God always has a plan, and I think God will reward those years of being mommy's to our children and focusing on them, just as it should be, with years of loving friendship in the future. I love just sitting and listening to her talk.

Bren is going to Ella's "Swimming" birthday party after school today. Hmmm...I think it's 66 degrees outside right now. The Johnson's have heated their pool. Glad this mommy doesn't have to swim with her!!! She won't care though. She's got a brand new Limited too "Peace" swimsuit to wear...and of course, that's what's most important!!

Had a mammogram today. Everything should be fine. Didn't even have to have the ultrasound this time, so I'm expecting great results.

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