Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 posts ago...

5 short posts ago my oldest son went to college.  Today, he started his senior year.  That makes me one of the worst bloggers in the world.

He's living in an apartment off campus.  He loves it.  His room mate wants him to be better at turning off lights.

My younger son started his freshman year of college on Monday.  He's living at home, but hopes to be living in "the happiest place on earth" come January.

Our youngest, the princess, started 8th grade.  It is going even better than expected.

I'm baking yummy treats for the kids and their friends today.  Life is fabulous! God is good!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Captivating - Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

I just finished rereading Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by Stasi Eldredge. I read it a while back, and just never got around to posting a review for Book Sneeze.

From the back cover - The message of Captivating is this: Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your store, to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating.

In the book, Staci, along with her husband, John, author of Wild at Heart, states that "Every woman in her heart of hearts longs for three things: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty." Each of these longings are discussed in detail with appropriate and timely scripture references that give a good biblical foundation for understanding the longings that women experience.

My favorite section of the book deals with the friendships of other women and the importance of those relationships in a woman's life. "Women friends become the face of God to one another - the face of grace, of delight, of mercy." Though female friendships may hold disappointments and hurts, an inevitable fact in our broken world, deep friendships are so important, it's the way God designed us!

I love the idea in this book that God is inviting us to a great romance with him. What a blessing to know!

Other topics in the book discuss sensitive topics of wounds and how they shape us and our relationships.

I enjoyed reading Captivating. If you'd like to get a copy for yourself Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John Eldredge

Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Terrible Blogger Award

Yes, I am awarding myself the Terrible Blogger Award because I just can't manage to keep up, but I'm going to keep trying!

Braden has completed his first year of college! His GPA,! We are incredibly proud, and he is so pleased! He loves his university, and can't wait to return in the fall. Of course, his wonderful girlfriend might have quite a bit to do with that! Braden and Lori started dating about six months ago, and she is fantastic! We love her to pieces! She's gone home for the summer, and I think we all miss her!

Braden is home this week, and then leaves for his summer job as a camp counselor! He's excited to be working with lots of his friends. I'm sure they'll have a blast.

We have a new puppy! He's adorable!
Welcome to our family, Sebastian!

Til I post again,


Friday, January 1, 2010

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today, Braden went to his 1st college classes. I couldn't wait to hear what he thought. He said he liked them all, but thinks his Honors Old Testament class is going to be very hard. Hmmm...guess Sunday School might have paid off about now! Oops! He is having lots of fun, and even managed to go to bed before midnight, without his mom telling him to do so! He says that he's eating, though it was pizza 4 days in a row! Good thing he plans to play lots of Ultimate Frisbee! I miss him bunches! I am so proud of him. He's such an incredible young man, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him.

Love you beeper!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Bren!

Bren celebrated her 10th birthday yesterday! We've spent the last week saying her new favorite phrase "Holy Schmidgitz! Double Digits!" She invited lots of friends from school over for a cookout in the backyard. Darryl worked very hard to get the stone floor on the patio so we could get the furniture and fire pit out there for the party. It looks great! The kids spent time feeding the 5 enormous catfish who've decided to visit us every evening now. Between the ducks and the catfish, my bread bill is skyrocketing! We grilled hot dogs, and served a double decker cookie cake which seemed to be a big hit. The kids played some yard games, and then had a 3.5 minute water balloon fight! Thanks to Tori and Blake who spent hours filling the water balloons! Darryl made a fire in the pit and the kids roasted marshmallows before it was time to go home. Bren said it was great...and that's really all that matters, right? Before she left for day camp at church, she opened her present from us...Josephina! She was thrilled. I can't believe my baby girl is 10!