Monday, January 19, 2009

Disco Time!

The kids are out of school today. It's an "In-Service" day for teachers, so technically, they are not out for MLK Day. I feel bad for my teacher friends...they deserve a holiday too! The kids are all asleep, and I so wish I could sleep in too, but Darryl's alarm went off, and I just couldn't find sleep again. It's a busy day, so rather than "prattle" on the computer, I should be showering. But, I know it's very cold out, and I'm postponing going out until I really have to. Tonight is Braden's 18th Birthday Dyn-o-Mite Disco at Roller City! I've got to get atleast a 100 cans of coke (since he invited 203 people on Facebook!), and pick up the cookie cake and some plates. I guess I should also figure out what we're having for dinner, since the party doesn't start until 7:30 p.m...ugh, I'd better quit stalling and get ready!

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