Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Sleepover with our best buddies!

Bren and I had a sleepover with Debbie and Abby last night. The rest of Debbie's family were out for the night, and we had already made plans for Bren to sleepover. But then Debbie got the brilliant idea for me to come join them! We had a blast! We spent most of the evening scrapbooking together. I worked on my Christmas card album. I've scrapped all the photo cards that we've received since 2003. It's so much fun to look back through the years and see how much everyone has changed. Kids just keep growing up, don't they? Debbie is the person who first showed me her album of Christmas cards, so I was pleased to be able to share mine with her. She brought her own Christmas cards out and began to work on her album too. I gave her a very hard time about not sending out cards herself though...she gave me the idea in the first place and her family is missing in my album since 2004! We took a break to grab some late dinner at Flying Burrito, and then went back to scrapping. Finally, somewhere after midnight, we settled onto their comfy couch to watch "Mamma Mia". I deemed it "appropriate enough", though I questioned my own judgement a couple of times during the movie. I think most of it went straight over the girls heads though I'm certain the day will come very soon when I have to explain how Sophie can think she has more than one father! Hopefully, I've still got some time to come up with the answer for that one. We finally turned out the lights and snuggled into our sleeping spots on her huge sectional sofa. The girls thought this was just the all sleeping on the couch together! We had enjoyed our time so much, we found it difficult to leave, but I finally came home in my p.j.s with the girls in tow a little after noon and found my boys ready for some lunch! Mom saves the day!

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