Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh No!!! It's Blake's turn.

Blakester should NOT have "faked" his illness last week, just for a chance to stay home and hang out with Braden...or maybe this momma shouldn't have allowed him to stay home so easily. So this morning, Blake came in my bathroom as I was getting ready for school, and said "MOM - I am so sick, I coudn't sleep all night, my throat hurts, blah, blah, blah". I said, "If you're not running a fever, you're not staying home". Then, Blake did the "But Mom" thing, and I stood firmly. "No fever - you're going to school". Then, he ran quickly to my toilette and threw up. So, of course, I said, "Unless you throw up..." Poor guy, he's felt horrid all day long. Today was definitely a day when I am thankful for being a stay at home mom all these years. I did leave Blake to go to work...but I ran home to check on him, and he is almost 16. And I still felt guilty. I can't imagine the moms who have to leave little ones...Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me as a stay at home mom all these years!!

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