Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When I grow up, I want to be a blogger!

I really want to blog consistently. Not that anyone will ever read it, but I want the memories down on paper, so to speak. Years ago, I thought I'd try to keep a journal, and every single day, I'd write something cute that my children said or did, so that years later, I'd remember all those things. Well, it never happened. So, I'm going to continue to try!
Today, Bren's class went to see the ACO performance of "The Best Christmas Pagent Ever". She thought it was really cool! She was excited to learn that Hannah Philpot, one of her favorite people ever, was in the same play when she was younger. Imagine her excitement when I told her we actually took her to see Hannah in the play all those years ago. Of course, she didn't remember. (But, if I had written it down in that magical journal...oh well!)

Braden has received acceptance letters from OBU and TU, neither of which are colleges he really ever planned to attend. He's received a letter from JBU telling him what things he needs to complete his application. That's the letter of acceptance he's dying to receive! I am so thankful that he has chosen a college that is 20 minutes away! The utter joy that it brings to this mommy is indescribable.

Blake is learning to play something new on the piano. I wish he wanted to take lessons, but I guess there is something to be said for his learning to play "by ear".

Christmas Tree inspection is Saturday night. We've made it to the official Inspection Team! Winning the Grand Prize last year must have really bumped us up on the list!

Here's a picture of Bren and Mimi making Christmas ornaments together over Thanksgiving break.
I love Christmas time!

1 comment:

Lisa Wilson said...

Hey I didn't know you had a blog! I love blogging. I actually refer to my own blog pretty often trying to remember stuff we've done. :) I wish I had kept track of all the funny things my kids have said and done. I was silly to think I wouldn't forget anything.