Monday, December 15, 2008

Say it ain't so!!!

So, mom and dad made it from Texas yesterday morning. They brought my nephews, Matt and Jeremiah, with them. The whole trip was planned so that Matt could see Blake's Christmas band concert this evening. He was so looking forward to it....and wouldn't you know, it's 28 degrees outside, so Springdale schools cancels all evening activities! My mom thought Blake was kidding when he came in from school, but I could tell he was serious. He knew how much Matt was looking forward to the concert. So, I made some cookies, and tried to salvage the evening, but poor Mattie is just plain disappointed!

The weather men are predicting some ice for tonight, so of course, the kids are hoping to get out of school tomorrow. I'm hoping we don't. With only 4 more shopping days before Christmas break, I'd rather them go to school. Besides, when we use a snow day, I really hope we'll have some snow on the ground.

We had a blast at the Christmas Tree inspection with the Taylor's on Saturday night. We started the night at the Taylors, then inspected the Wittschen's tree first. We then headed to the Nichols, Wiegels, Hanbys, Combs, Edwards, and Beard homes. Great food, beverages, and very pretty trees, though most failed the inspection miserably. When will our neighbors finally get a clue and buy those german pickles!! I heard a few of our neighbors swam in the lake behind our house after we left the party! Sounds like we escaped just in time! I don't ever want to swim in that yucky water!! The only "people" who belong in our pond are my ducks (and even they question it's safety!)

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