Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How time flies when you're scrubbing toilets!

Today is the 3rd day of school, and the 1st day that I haven't committed myself to some type of volunteer work at any of the three schools my children attend. No, as much as I wish it weren't needed to be a cleaning day!

I've spent the entire day cleaning, and just in case you're jealous that I'm sitting in a completely clean house...think not! Days like today, I find myself wishing for a 200 sq. ft. cabin! Just kidding - I am blessed, and I am thankful, but I do wish the cleaning fairy chose to visit every once in a while to help me out!

I've quit cleaning to write this blog, and to upload some Disney pictures to Walmart. I also added Disney photos to the digital frame. Looking at the pictures is so much fun. We had a great time! What incredible memories with Mimi and Papa for their 40th Anniversary!

Blake has a dentist appointment today. Darryl has a meeting, so the kids and I will probably grab a pizza for dinner. The boys have Cell groups tonight...but Blake's is outside and it looks like it will pour rain any minute.

Just so you 2:00 p.m., I'm ready for all my little ducks to be back in the nest! Can't wait for you all to get home!


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