Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations, Braden!

I couldn't be more proud of you, Braden!

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let the Graduation Festivities Begin!

Today is our 1st official school related Graduation Activity. Well, I guess the Awards/Scholarships thing last week might really have been, but there was no "Pomp" or "Circumstance" lol, so no real need for tissues! But today is an actual cap and gown day! I'm awake this morning with a tummy ache, which better go away really quickly, because we've got a full day planned. It's prep day at Debbie's for the Teacher's Luncheon which is tomorrow. So, I've got my "assigned items" on the island, ready to go. Blake has ortho which means I need to drive to Siloam to grab him and run him back to school asap. Then, the assembly at school starts at 11 a.m. with a picnic to follow. My parents are driving up this afternoon in order to be here for Blake's band concert this evening. They're bringing Matt and Miah, my nephews, and today is Miah's birthday! Busy BIG day!

I am so proud of Braden. We have truly been blessed with a great kid with a BIG heart for God! I love that he has chosen JBU, and I love that it's close by, but I'd really still take that little boy making messes and asking me to make puzzles with him!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Braden's 1st Day out of high school!

This morning, I woke like usual and went downstairs to make school lunches for the kids, and for the first time, I only made 2, instead of 3. Wow!

I made Braden and Blake haircut appointments, so I pulled Blake out of school and we went to Fayetteville. He talked me into letting him stay home the rest of the day. Call me crazy!! He's been practicing for drumline tryouts, so that's my excuse. And, he finally cut his hair!! That's huge reason for celebration! I need to post a picture.

Promised to bake cookies today, so I'd better get started! Bren will be home soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May...coming and going too quickly

I can't believe it is May 7th already! (Happy Birthday Lisa Evans Gaines!)

Yesterday, Bren and the entire 4th grade visited Prairie Grove Battle Field State Park. It was a fun day, made most eventful by the squirrel that decided to hop on the school bus. Thankfully, the children had just unloaded! Though still cloudy for most of the morning, the rain stayed away! Bren's Uggs were soaked from all the puddles, and her tiny toes were all raisiny when she finally got to take them off, but it was a good day.

I left the fieldtrip after lunch to rush home to get ready for the big Wedding Shower for Garland and Sarah, the 9th grade cell group leaders who are getting married next Friday. We had a house full! It was great fun and we were happy to host.

Today, Mr. Watts will serve the PTA officers lunch. What a great guy!
Senior Debate Dinner on Saturday night. See...May is going to fly!