Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's a Great Day!!!

Happy Earth Day! Happy 25th Anniversary Darryl!!

25 years ago today, we went on our very 1st date. It was Easter Sunday 25 years ago today, and we went to see a play at Victory Christian Center, "Toymaker and Son". My sister and his brother went too. What a great start to an absolutely incredible life!!

My friend is taking the day off and we're having lunch and pedicures! I can't wait! She's getting a massage too...I probably should have tried to book one also. But, I have 1000 things to do, so I'll try to catch up on some things at home and then enjoy the rest of today with her!

We are hoping to see the "Earth" movie, but I'm not sure we can squeeze it in tonight. I wonder how long it will play?

Need to get started addressing graduation announcements! Not sure I'm ready!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last day of Benchmark Testing! Yeah, Bren!

Bren will be so happy that today is the last day of Benchmark testing (for this year)! I've decided that little girls "feed off each other" when it comes to anxiety about "testing". That's certainly been different than with the boys. I don't really think they gave one minute of thought about those silly tests.

I think Abby is spending the night tonight, so that should be lots of fun! I'm going to surprise them with Reese's Peanut Butter Squares, the homemade kind! They both love them! Bren requested them recently, so she'll be extra happy when she gets home from school today!

It's Friday!!! Yippee!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Essential Oils

Beth came for a visit yesterday and shared her new love of essential oils with me. I had no knowledge of essential oils...except that little vase in the bathroom with the sticks in it. They are supposed to smell good, right? Aromatherapy?'s so much more than that! I'm excited to learn more about them.

Really, I'm just excited to have my friend back. We've missed so many years, but God always has a plan, and I think God will reward those years of being mommy's to our children and focusing on them, just as it should be, with years of loving friendship in the future. I love just sitting and listening to her talk.

Bren is going to Ella's "Swimming" birthday party after school today. Hmmm...I think it's 66 degrees outside right now. The Johnson's have heated their pool. Glad this mommy doesn't have to swim with her!!! She won't care though. She's got a brand new Limited too "Peace" swimsuit to wear...and of course, that's what's most important!!

Had a mammogram today. Everything should be fine. Didn't even have to have the ultrasound this time, so I'm expecting great results.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I love you!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Prom Night 2009

There are no words...senior prom 2009.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Last night, Bren had Lily over for a sleepover. They had a great time coloring Easter Eggs together. They watched the new American Girl movie "Chrissa Stands Tall", and went to sleep by 9 p.m.! I couldn't believe it! I'm sorry, Sherri, that Lily didn't call before bed...I never expected bedtime to come so early!

Braden had friends over too. He came in sometime after I was asleep and asked if a few boys could spend the night. I'm not sure how many boys are upstairs right now! Braden has great friends, so it's never a problem. (Blake has great friends too! We are blessed!)

Tonight is prom! We also have an Easter Egg Hunt on the street, so I'm sure I'll have some pictures later!
